URL Form


  • keyword = The Gene Symbol or miRBase ID that the user wants to search
  • type = The interaction type that the user wants to search
  • species = species that the user wants to search
  • method = detection method that the user wants to search
  • score = The score interval that the user wants to limit (separate by ',')

Specification of Tag Values

  • For " type " tag:

Valid Value Note
1 Host-Virus interaction
2 Virus-Host interaction
3 Virus-Virus interaction
0 Host-Host interaction
* don't limit interaction type

  • For " species " tag:

Valid Value Note
Homo sapiens species limit to 'Homo sapiens'
Mus musculus species limit to 'Mus musculus'
* don't limit species

  • For " method " tag:

Valid Value Note
strong the detected method is strong evidence
weak the detected method is weak evidence
prediction the detected method is prediction
* don't limit method

  • For " score " tag:

Valid Value Note
0,1 the score ranges from 0.0 to 1.0
0.3,0.7 the score ranges from 0.3 to 0.7
a,b the score ranges from a to b

